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Women are celebrating their stretch marks with the inspiring #ThighReading hashtag

Because the lines on your thighs tell a better story than the lines on your palms.

IN THIS AIRBRUSHED, thigh gap-obsessed world, it’s easy to lose sight of what makes a real human body.

That’s why women have started posting pictures of their ‘imperfections’ using the hashtag #ThighReading, comparing the lines on their thighs to the lines on their palms.

They’ve been showing off their stretch marks…

We love that @princess_labia posted a photo of her thighs in celebration of women being okay with their imperfections! She captioned her photo palm readings Source: theithigh


And ‘tiger stripes’…

#ThighReading #FiveBabies #StretchMarks #LegTattoos #ShortLegs Source: crystal_n_collett

Some women said they had never seen stretch marks on another woman before the hashtag began:

One woman told Mashable that she felt her “stretch marks told a story the same way I had been told my palms did”.

I truly believe that when you post a picture of your stretch marks, acne, body hair, belly rolls etc, you are not only celebrating yourself, but celebrating every girl who has ever felt like her imperfections define her. I post my pictures for me, but mostly for her.

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